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Here we got 3 members of Beyond Force sitting beside Mastermind at the Eskilstuna party 1989. It's not they selling autographs as the sign saying, it's us (but I fear no one bought any).
Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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Bagder, Natas and Exilon sitting in our corner of the Eskilstuna party 1989.
We always called Natas for grandfather - but now we're older than he was back then.
Exilon did a nice demo part there that he almost finnished. He asked us to delay the competition for just 10 minutes (later 5 minutes). For many years later we asked him if he couldn't finnish that demo part, 8-) He also got the extra nickname "Krukis" from that episode.
Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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Horizon won the demo competition (no bribing) and Triad came on the second place.
From back we have:
CRT, Dragon, Bob
Mastermind, Psyko, Shark, 3D, Sony, Exilon, Jerry
Zagor, Boogaloo, Bagder, Kjer, Rush.

Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 with Kjer's camera
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1989 Eskilstuna - Fairlight, Bacchus, Pernod, and others
Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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1989 Eskilstuna
Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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1989 Eskilstuna - parts of Horizon and Equinox
Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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The winner of the demo competition (=Horizon).
Counting: Exilon, Zagor, Mastermind, Boogaloo, Rush and down Bagder and Kjer.
Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by unknown
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Karl XII (Science 451), Mastermind, The Leader (S451) and Pernod (Fairlight - not Hz yet) are sitting and admiring Masterminds new computer (a Vic 20).

Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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Mastermind, Exilon, Rush and Bagder are sitting in the Horizon corner of the Eskilstuna party.
The sign says "Zagor and Boogaloo plays here" - that doesn't mean they are playing "now", 8-)

Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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Viper and fun club
Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
Here we got The Boss of Paragon - an old friend of the Huddinge Maffia of Horizon (Zagor, Kjer and Bagder).
Photo taken at the Vårby party 1990 by Kjell
The Leader!
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3D to the left.
Photo taken at the Eskilstuna party 1989 by Kjer
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Amiga winners: Felx and Cyberburner of Contex.
Zagor of Horizon standing next to them.
1990 at Vårby party
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Bagder and Boogaloo in deep action!
Photo taken at the Vårby part 1990 by Kjer
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Bagder is preparing for the demo competition. Big screen for everyone! Don't ask me who won (but I'm sure some did).
Photo taken at the Vårby party 1990 by Kjell
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Bogaloo of Horizon in action.
1990 at Vårby party
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Horizon in action.
1990 at Vårby party
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The Vårby party 1990 was the intruduction of the Horizon uniform. The snake made it complete!
In the bottom row we have Exilon, Bagder and Mastermind.
Photo taken at the Vårby party 1990 by unknown
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Full hacking in the Horizon room of the Vårby party. Best view of Kjer and Mastermind.
Photo taken at the Vårby party 1990 by Kjer
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Everything has a backside too. Here is the backside of Horizon. Some would say it's the best part...
The text is: "Horizon - we just can't help it!".
Photo taken at the Vårby party 1990 by unknown
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Origo was the winners.
1990 at Vårby party
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Light came on second place.
1990 at Vårby party
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1990 at Vårby party
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Pernod in action - double action!
These snakes really made you feel pain! First to say "Ouch!" has lost. Mastermind was a champion to supress his feelings - his 40 seconds delay before saying the losing word was a view!
Photo taken at the Vårby party 1990 by Kjer
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1990 at Vårby party
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1990 at Vårby party
Here we are in a private meeting at Boogaloo's place in Gothenburg. You can see Bagder, Zagor and Exilon. Boogaloo and unknown/Triad are hiding their back.
As you can see are we a pure Amiga 500 team now - but we still fear the sun!s
Photo taken at a Gothenburg meeting 1991 by Kjer
Fight, Snake and Die! No sport could be better!
Taken at a Uppsala party in 1992(?)
Boogaloo decided to try the Amiga for a while - somehow he didn't get it right (or maybe he did?).
Boogaloo decided to try the Amiga for a while - somehow he didn't get it right (or maybe he did?).
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Photocompetition between Kjer and another Horizon member (he wants to be anonymous). Obviously Kjer won (the anonymous person has not moved his trigger finger yet).
Photo taken at the Huddinge party 1991 by Kjer
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Democompition in a cinema!
Photo taken at the Huddinge party 1991 by Kjer
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Don't ask!
Boogaloo with Pernod in the background at a Huddinge meeting.
Photo taken at a Huddinge meeting with a digital camera
Face it Exilon! You got your birthday today!
At a private Huddinge meeting
Judge coding!
Photo taken at a Huddinge meeting with a digital camera